Nikolaos Kilis



MSc graduate with Distinction, looking for a role in the Computer Software Industry.

About me

Nikolaos (Nick) Kilis loves programming and technology. He does not love talking about himself in the 3rd person. He recently finished his master's degree in Artificial Intelligence at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. During his studies, he immersed himself coding with Python and graduated with an average score of 88.2%. He is currently working as a research associate mainly focusing on Machine Learning and Computer Vision algorithms.

Pascal van Gemert


Nikolaos Kilis
Thessaloniki, Greece


“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. ”
- Benjamin Franklin

Academic Record

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.)

July 2021

MSc in Artificial Intelligence, with Distinction Modules (Average Grade 87.3%): Machine Learning (75%), Intelligent Systems Programming (75%), Computer Vision (100%), Computational Intelligence (90%), Advanced Machine Learning (95%), Deep Learning (88%), Automated Planning,Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction (80%), Natural Language Processing (95%).
Master Thesis: "Human Action Recognition with Graph Neural Networks". A multi-class classification between graphs that consist of human skeleton joints, extracted from video frames using Deep Learning frameworks.
Thessaloniki, Greece

Democritus University of Thrace (D.U.Th.)

July 2018

Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering Diploma Thesis: “Automatic dereverberation of recordings”. A novel method for removing noise, echo and reverberation in audio signals. Xanthi, Greece


Virtual Reality, Springer publisher

Dec. 2023

A Real-Time Wearable AR System for Egocentric Vision on the Edge Introduction of the DARLENE wearable AR system, analysing its specifications, overall architecture and core algorithmic components. The system comprises of a wearable computing node responsible for real-time analysis of dynamic scenes supporting functionalities for instance segmentation, tracking and pose estimation. To improve user experience, a novel approach is proposed for the adaptive rendering of AR content by considering the user’s stress level, the context of use, and the environmental conditions for adjusting the level of presented information towards enhancing their situational awareness.

Springer Nature Switzerland publisher

Sep. 2023

Augmentation Based on Artificial Occlusions for Resilient Instance Segmentation An augmentation methodology that allows for sufficient and more balanced model training relying on a small number of annotated data. Additionally, two new datasets are introduced for instance segmentation including the semantic class firearm, for security applications.

IEEE publisher

Oct. 2022

An Efficient Framework for Human Action Recognition Based on Graph Convolutional Networks Introducing a framework for increasing Human Action Recognition (HAR) performance of Graph Convolutional Network based methods. A novel weight initialization technique together with a missing-joint-handling pre-processing step, indicated favorable scores for both 2D and 3D skeleton-based HAR datasets.

MDPI publisher

Sep. 2019

A Novel Scheme for Single-Channel Speech Dereverberation Based on the aforementioned Diploma Thesis: “Automatic dereverberation of recordings”. A paper introducing a two-stage single-channel speech enhancement scheme, tested on both simulated and real reverberant audio signals.

Work Experience

Computer vision engineer

June 2021 - present

Research assistant Full-time research associate with the Informatics and Telematics Institute (ITI), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece. Research interests mainly involved machine learning and computer vision algorithms. Greece |

Hellenic Army

Jan. 2019 - Aug. 2019

Programmer and Analyst of Computers for Headquarters of 4th Army-Corps Assistant administrator at Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 / 2012 R2 environment, assistant supervision, management, maintenance, extension and technical support of 4th Army Corps Intranet, software development and education of network’s users Greece |

Self Employed

Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2017

Electrical Engineering Tutor Private undergraduate lessons. Greece


“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”
- Joshua J. Marine


  • Python
  • JAVA
  • C
  • C++
  • HTML
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras
  • PyTorch
  • CUDA
  • Microsoft Office


  • Greek (Mother tongue)
  • English (Proficient)
  • German (Conversational)


“You can do anything you set your mind to.”
- Benjamin Franklin

darlene git

DARLENE project

DARLENE is a EU funded project focusing on improving law enforcement agencies situational awareness, when responding to criminal activities. Computer vision modules on wearable edge devices in parallel with augmented reality smart glasses, can provide real-time and personalised data for the end-users.

Computer vision, Instance Segmentation, Augmented Reality, Wearable devices

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svm git

Computational Intelligence

A study regarding Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering and Support Vector Machines together with their comparison with other Machine Learning classifiers.

Python, PCA, SVM, KNN, NCC, KPCA, LDA, LLE, Spectral Clustering, Silhouette score, Kmeans

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advML git

Advanced Machine Learning

Multi-label Classification after dealing with Class Imbalance in Multi-label data in combination with system interpretability.

Python, REMEDIAL, MLSMOTE, BR, MLKNN, LIME, Multi-label Rule Learning

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 DL project

Deep Learning

Image multi-class classification with CNNs. Time-series forecasting with LSTMs in financial data. Agent training with Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL).

Python,Transfer Learning, CNN, LSTM, DRL

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ML project

Machine Learning

Various Machine Learning algorithms applied in images, text and tabular data.

Python, Linear Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Rule-based Learning, Bayesian Learning, Model Evaluation, Clustering, Association Rules, Sentiment Analysis

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ISP project

Intelligent Systems Programming

Simbad - A Robot simulation in Java 3D.

Java, Simbad, Robotics, Subsumption, Tangent Bug

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“Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. ”
- Demosthenes, 4th century BC